Technology Rules

Classroom Rules will follow County procedures for technology use. This includes all devices on campus and includes social media, email, browsing the internet, etc.

Examples of Acceptable Use:

Students will:

  • Use school technologies for school-related activities.
  • Follow same guidelines for respectful, responsible behavior online that students are expected to follow offline.
  • Treat school resources carefully and alert staff if there is any problem with operation.
  •  Encourage positive, constructive discussion if allowed to use communicative or collaborative technologies.
  • Alert a teacher or other staff member of threatening, inappropriate, or harmful content (images, messages, posts) online.
  • Use technologies at appropriate times, in approved places, for educational pursuits.
  • Cite sources when using online sites and resources for research.
  • Recognize that use of school technologies is a privilege and treat it as such.
  • Be cautious to protect the safety of self and others.
  • Help to protect the security of school resources.


Examples of Unacceptable Use:

Students will not:

  • Use technologies to hurt, harass, attack or harm other people or their work.
  • Attempt to find or access inappropriate web sites, images, or content.
  • Use language online that would be unacceptable in the classroom.
  • Engage in cyberbullying, harassment, or disrespectful conduct toward others
  • Damage computers, computer systems, or computer networks in any way (this includes changing workstation configurations such as screen savers, backgrounds, printers, BIOS information, preset passwords, etc.). 
  • Install software or download unauthorized files, games, programs, or other electronic media.
  • Attempt to hack or access sites, servers, or content not intended for my use.
  • Attempt to circumvent school safety measures and filtering tools.
  • Send spam, electronic chain letters, or other useless information.
  • Waste limited resources such as disk space and printing capacity.
  • Post personally identifying information about myself or others.
  • Agree to meet in real life with someone that the student met online.
  • Use technologies for illegal activities, to pursue information about such activities, or to access illegal materials (i.e. threats, instructions on how to perform an illegal act, child pornography, drug dealing, fake identifications, purchase of alcohol, gang activities, etc.)
  • Plagiarize content found online or violate copyright laws.
  • View, send, display, or use racist, discriminatory, profane, lewd, vulgar, rude, disrespectful, threatening, or inflammatory language, messages or pictures.
  • Share password with others or attempt to find out the password of others.
  • Post false or damaging information about other people, the school system, or school organizations.
  • Trespass in another user‘s work, folders, or files.
  • Use system network resources for personal gain or commercial purposes. 

Calhoun County Code of Conduct: